Pārdomas par zaķīšiem piecos no rīta

Naktī uz sestdienu sēdēju pie datora miegains un mācīties ne sevišķi spējīgs (jā gan, esmu uz vecumu sadomājies, ka man nepieciešama otra augstākā). Un angļu valodas mājas darbam bija nepieciešams uzģenerēt kādu iedomātas vai esošas kompānijas prezentāciju. Taču nopietni kaut ko darīt tādā stāvoklī es nespēju… Nesen biju atgriezies no Džilindžera izrādes, vienīgās idejas prātā grozījās par un ap iespēju prezentēt kaut kādu, teiksim, “Devil’s Inc.”, kas pērk un pārdod dvēseles, tomēr negribējās radīt pasniedzējam traumu. Un tad dzima Tas. Lekcijā pēc tam pieteicos runāt pirmais un to prezentēju… Droši vien pārliecināju kolēģus, ka esmu vismaz garīgi slims, ja ne narkomāns. Te nu to publicēju – bet nekritizējiet pārlieku manu angļu valodu, pats zinu, ka tā nav vis diez ko laba.

Hallo! My name is Jerry, and I am the smallest cogwheel in the company called „Happy Rabbit”, but even in such situation I am still very proud to use this opportunity and present the company to all of you.

Since even the stone age people have tried to tame wild animals and use them – sometimes for working, but sometimes just as pets. Many thousands of years have passed, but this tradition still lives in our society. Of course, now it is nothing new to have a dog or a cat, so people are trying different new species to become their tamed friends.

In not very far past in Latvia it became very popular to keep domestic rabbits in city flats. But people who have these animals as pets, usually suffer from one serious problem. Rabbits are strongly tended to crunch things – and many of people admit that in our digital century we live in, mostly different device cables are perishing in teeth of these animals.

Are you also the one who had stood in your kitchen, holding a destroyed refrigerator cable peaces in your hands? Well, this is the very moment when we’re coming into your life.

The company „Happy Rabbit” was founded back in year 2001, when the first rabbit’s appetite victim called to one veterinary clinic and asked what could he do to stop his rabbit eating his computer. In reality, it turned out that this man was just crazy and saw an imaginary rabbit who came out of his computer and started to crunch everything around, but this is not the point. In that moment our company’s main idea was born, and since then we’re only developing.

Now we are a customer focused, innovative company which offers you a great rabbit food, which makes them happy without eating your stuff. Our product has three different sorts, all of them based on mix of selected fruits and vegetables. With our product, your animal will always feel fine and statisfied.

For this moment company covers only local market, because our turnover has been decreased due to finansial crisis of Latvia, but we have already reorganised our reserves and started a systematic campaign, planning to spread over all Baltic states till the year 2011.

Our attitude to this work consists of several main rules, which are:

insightment – we are driven by deep insights into what our customers want to experience from our product
inventions – we always try to find new ways of solving old tasks
excellence – we have a passion to deliver excellence in everything we do

Now „Happy Rabbit” has regular staff, consisting from eleven scientists of different branches, and the leading team, based on five men. They are: Ronald Donald, the president of our company, and Ricky Mickey, the vice-president, as well as sale manager Oscar Doodle, consulting manager Ilmars Elmars and PR specialist Irbe Zebiekste.

And of course, we have a staff of testers, but they often change due the specifications of work, so they are not working on regular basis, but have short term contracts, at least those who have legal preconditions for that. There work 100 testers, half of them rabbits, half people – to avoid different possible alergic reactions of rabbit keepers. I am the youngest man-tester, working in this company for only 2 months, but getting more proud of it by every try of this new food. Happy as a rabbit, that is my motto. Thank you for your attention.

P.S. pasniedzējs ar manu atļauju šo darbu priekš sevis nokopēja, tā ka viss vēl var gadīties, hehe.


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